Sire: Zakyr Zew del Citone
Dam: Lady vom Markischen Land
Whelped: 10.06.2011
Results: BH, IPO-1,2, ZTP V1A, HD-A, VW-clear PHTVL/ PHPVKatarakt, RD, CEA, PRA - FREI
Sire: Andres Crocket del Citone
Dam: Tahi Reme Giovanna
Whelped: 18.05.2009
Results: Young Champion of Serbia, 13xYouth Winner, 3xCAC, 12xBOB; IPO I, HD-O, VWDI - Clear, PHTVL/ PHPV, Katarakt, RD, CEA, PRA - FREI
Sire: Imidz Dionis Valjur Land
Dam: Sally the Best Line
Whelped: 26.11.2006
Results:HD-A, BH, AD, ZTP, VPG1, VPG2 & VPG3, IPO 3, FH 1 & FH 2
Sire: Fedor del Nasi
Dam: Grey Ginga House
Whelped: 06.07.2008
Results: Young Champion of Serbia, 2xClub Winner, 6xYouth Winner, 2xCAC, 1xCACIB
Sire:Fedor del Nasi
Dam: Grey Ginga House
Whelped: 06.07.2008
Results: VP3 - Balkan Sieger 2008
Sire:Energo Naiss Ginga House
Dam: Anina del Naissus
Whelped: 15.06.2010
Results: Youth Champion of Serbia, HD-A

Sire: F'Hiram Abif Royal Bell
Dam: Grey Ginga House
Whelped: 03.06.2007
Results: Young Champion of Montenegro
Sire: Gino Gomez Del Citone
Dam: Ginga Sawages
29.04.2000 - 20.10.2009
Results: INT.CH, Y.CH.YU, CH.YU, HD-A, IPO-1
Sire: F'Hiram Abif Royal Bell
Dam: Grey Ginga House
Whelped: 03.06.2007
Results:Young Champion of Serbia, Young Champion of BiH
Sire: F'Hiram Abif Royal Bell
Dam: Grey Ginga House
Whelped: 03.06.2007
Results: Young Champion of Serbia, Young Champion of BiH, Young Champion of Macedonia